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Furnishing your first home on a budget

Writer's picture: Chloe Hocking Chloe Hocking

Purchasing your first home is one of the most significant events in your life, it's an exciting experience everyone dreams of having, but it's not until you start searching for furniture and start shopping around to create your dream living room, bedroom or dining space that you realise that furnishing your first home on a budget is quite a difficult task. In most cases, you've spent more than you'd hoped on your deposit, so your furniture and furnishings budget looks more like a hand-me-down, upcycle budget and even worse, you've figured out that you've got what everyone describes as "champagne taste".

Like everything, the highs of life also have their downs. Receiving the keys to this big empty house can be and will be daunting- where do you start? Also, you have been saving for months, if not years to reserve the funds for your first home and even though you thought you had saved so much, you can hardly buy a bed and a sofa, let alone expensive light fixtures, bespoke furniture and silk curtains! So what do you do? Are you destined to live for the next 5 years with furniture that resembles your university house-sharing days? Hardly the dream first home you imagine, right?

In reality, there are many ways your ideal interiors can be achieved on a budget, so don't worry! That's what I'm here for. Not everything has to be worth a small fortune to look impressive. Some of my favourite items are from low-cost brands, so here is my furnishing your first home on a budget checklist. I've also created a downloadable checklist for you so that you can print it out and take it shopping with you (so that you don't get tricked into emotional buying when you see a seemingly "good deal" that you might regret later!

1- Set a budget.

This is important without a maximum amount you are happy to spend you will not know when to stop and you will keep going until you realize you have over spent and on unnecessary items. Pick an ideal budget and a budget of the absolute maximum you would spend.

2- Find inspiration.

Make a Pinterest board, follow Instagram accounts you love, get out and about and find your style. This allows you to know exactly what you like and want to purchase. Without getting inspired and finding your style you could end up with a home that does not represent you and your personality, that was a complete waste of money.

3- Check your measurements.

Before styling your space, make sure you have the correct measurements. There is nothing more frustrating that falling in love with a piece of furniture and then realizing its never going to fit in the desired space. In each room, work out exactly how much space you have to work with. You do not want to overfill a room, resulting in it feeling crammed and too busy.

4- Refurbish and recycle.

Use what is around you. In todays world we are very lucky to have many social media platforms that you able to snap up bargains on second hand furniture. In most cases second hand items are just as good as buying them brand new, but can be half the price. Yourself, family, and friends may even have furniture that is no longer needed, that you can upcycle. There are so many recourses out there that give you a step by step on guide on DIY refurbs. Think smart, use what's around you.

5- Invest in comfort.

Sticking to a budget is important but there are certain items that are key to invest in. Quality is important when it comes to comfort. I always recommend investing in a good quality bed and sofa. Two places essential in a home and key to helping our bodies relax resulting in overall better health.

6- Checklist.

Write a checklist.

Here's one I have made with your furniture and décor essentials.

Download below.

7- Look about.

Do not buy the first thing you find. Sourcing can take time but it is defiantly worth taking the time to find the best deals. You may be able to find the a very similar item for a better price.

Most importantly, have fun! This is one of the biggest milestones in your life and you should enjoy every moment.


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